Energetic purity and clarity is a key to aligned, authentic, and joyful living
Working with my clients through private coaching and clearing sessions or
programs, I quickly discover underlying foundational energies that create limiting
patterns, self destructive behaviors, negative programs, that I clear, change, and
I am an expert on the world of entities (energies, spirits, light beings,
nature spirits, demons, extraterrestrials) and when necessary, I clear, and/or
communicates with them.
My work is very intuitive, inquisitive, and insightful,
shifting lives of everyone who experiences it.
My focus is to assist you in achieving your highest energetic purity, vibrations,
and potential as well as state of harmony and balance in every aspect of your
Through multitude of tools and techniques I will empower you to shift and
change what is not working for you, clear the blocks, and invite you to live in a
state of ease, joy and vibrant health.
I offer private sessions, one on one coaching programs and classes.
Private Session – Raising Your Vibrations
There is no issue, problem, program, implant, matrix, limitation, pattern, entity,
cord, attachment, limiting thought, feeling, and emotion that I am unwilling to
explore and if required – clear from your Universe (unless you really, really want
to keep it :o). I go to any timeline, dimension and reality, past, present and
future to find what we are looking for.
I am here for you, when you are ready to change and create more successful,
expansive, authentic, harmonious, and joyful life…
Investment in you: $333 (60 min), on Zoom, recordings (audio and video will be
sent after)
Entities Clearing Session
Possession by different types of entities is more common than you might know
(or want to know :0). Sudden, unexplained changes in mood, behaviors, likes
and dislikes, sometimes accompanied by depression, anger, or even aggression,
might be a sign of entities being present.
Clearing them creates instant relief,
change of mood, and a sense of lightness. I have years of experience with
clearing entities from bodies, places, spaces, and objects. Not only I offer
clearing, I educate. It is very important for the people that experienced different
forms of possession (from mild to severe) to understand why and how does it
happen. Learning more about the possessions helps preventing them from
occurring in the future. It is also necessary on the path to empowerment, clarity,
and awakening.
Clearing the nasties: $333 (60 min), on Zoom, recordings (audio and video will
be sent after)
25 min Tune up and Check up Session: $150
Internal Integration System for Vibrational Resonance Activation
Connecting, balancing, harmonizing, and activation of energetic network of 32
systems and circuits that run through our body and between our body and Earth,
planets and constellations. The process awakens dormant aspects in people
ready for awakening.
Investment in you: $150 (30 min), on Zoom, recordings (audio and video will be
sent after)
Illuminated Way Coaching Program
3 months program (2 sessions a month)
This program is designed to completely change your foundation of being based
in old, limiting beliefs, generational baggage, past lives, implants and old
paradigms. Through increasing your awareness, learning to trust yourself,
staying energetically clear, practicing multitude of new tools, you will create new
behaviors, new ways of being and creating, and step into an authentic you.
Month 1
Clearing your past
Month 2
Rewriting Your Story
Month 3
Activating Higher Frequencies
Illuminating You: $2,222 (6 – 75 minute sessions on Zoom, weekly support via
WhatsApp or text, recordings of the sessions)