I love, therefore I am
I am, therefore I love.
I was born and raised in Poland. At a very early age, I became interested in
holistic health, spirituality, metaphysics, dowsing and personal empowerment.
By living in seven countries on three continents and traveling extensively, I
encountered many inspirational people and experienced multitude of
empowering moments.
Throughout the years I completed countless trainings, programs, courses,
classes, and workshops (Silva Method, Extrasensory Perception, Reiki, Dowsing,
BodyTalk System, Theta Healing, Matrix Energetics, EFT, Break Through, Now
Healing, The Liquid Fish, MindScape, Spiritual Life Coaching, Access
Consciousness™, Talk To The Entities™, Energetic Synthesis of Being, Energetic
Synthesis of Structural Embodiment, meditation, yoga).
I have been studying self exploration for most of my life and the last thirteen
years I spent traveling all over the United States, Canada, and to multiple
countries in South America, Europe, and Africa, teaching classes and workshops
on various subjects, including: entities clearing, consciousness, awareness,
women empowerment, psychic abilities, spirit awareness and communication,
health and energy healing, abundance, relationships, creation, receiving,
business, and many more.
Clients hire me to expand what is possible for them, eliminate energetic blocks,
and explode their results. I assist them to create everything they desire trough
releasing limitations, fear, anxiety, painful past, experiences and events that
leads to raising their vibrations.
In this exciting but often challenging times I am inviting you to the world of
infinite possibilities, awareness, change, and radiant joy with total ease!